The Spectator!

The wind gently passed by me, caressed and it whispered! It was trying to say something. I watched with wide eyes and listened with attention. It was the story that we had forgotten!
In the tale, wind addressed humans and in its truthful narration, I became the blessed spectator! 
It said- 
The stories of life like the passing wind, did you realize they swirled you around? 
You got tangled and twisted. 
You coughed and choked.
You cried and lied. 
You laughed and loved. 
And you proudly or in a silent moan said “situations” made me.
It sent across a message –
In the race that we created, we died suffocating every night. In the dust, we dragged ourselves trying to prove ourselves or to the world, “I am amazing and capable”. We hastened through our curriculum. We devised short cuts in the education, to complete & to compete! We cried in the pain, “Life is tough and how much effort I am putting in. Oh good Lord! Now, I certainly deserve your blessings, glory and success”. We smiled on receiving the “success”. And then the story did not end. A subtle pride was left forever! This pride “I made it happen”- and it gave rise to another race! It gave rise to a stronger desire to become more powerful. And the cycle began. The cycle of glory, pride and pain!
We all found a low grade happiness on this route. We all lost the truth! The real bliss and the happiness was lost in the race.
Why did we start the race? 
The fierce wind didn’t swirl me this time!
Strong, I stood to see the world and its drama. 
Unsettled wind blew the dust, twisted & swayed the trees and went ahead in its rhyme!
Innocent humans have forgot their own true being! An individual is running after goals to find happiness. Academic goals, career goals, high standard lifestyle goals or love/relationship goals! Goals are, secretly, to just pamper egos in the pursuit to justify “I made my life worth it”. 
And my reflection shouted on me “This secret pampering destroyed lives and left many in the misery!.
Why do you want to justify “the worth of life”? – I was startled as the boisterous wind roared the question!
As if the domino of the secrets of life rolled & I realized –
We forgot that this life happened to us and we by ourselves did not create it. We forgot that life was happening to us till we took charge of it and claimed about how we made it amazing through hard work. And then we got lost to never come back to the “life is a happening” phase.
Indeed, we lost the sight of what life is!
Certainly, we lost the sight that “there is nothing to prove to anyone or even to the self!“. 
We fight all through the life to find out what is this life and why we were born. We forgot that we were created just as these oceans, trees and planets. We forgot that our simply being here, flowing freely through the life, without the burden of proving and striving to define the purpose of life, is the real story. 
The purpose of life rests in reaching the full potential. We the oceans, trees, mountains and creatures, all are a part of the same underlying energy! This system is on its own journey.
The gust of wind had calmed. Wind slowly took a shape of gentle breeze and in a low peaceful tone, it sang-
If you rise a little above the goals and race, you may let go of your ego & its efforts to find life’s worth. You may then become capable of seeing the magical life, appreciate the beauty & magnificence of earth & planets. You may then become the humans, living life to the full potential, working not to prove worth but to become contributors to exceptional creations.
And in the same rhythm, I intoned in chorus –  We all may then become one with the universe, happy & contented forever!
The spectator in me smiled in the bliss as the zephyr uttered magical spells, blessed and left with a remembrance at my knees! 

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